Privacy Policy

MRD Recruitment is committed to protecting the security and privacy of our website visitors. There are two primary ways in which we would collect personal data from candidates and clients:

  • Directly from you;
  • From third parties;

For Candidates

Your information including your CV, name, occupation, address, telephone number and email address is collected by us and held on file.

If you register with us on our website will we use this information ONLY to match your details against any relevant jobs.

Our team may contact you to keep you informed of any relevant jobs or information relating to your job or career, ONLY.

MRD Recruitment will only collect and process personal data that is necessary for the purpose or purposes that we have identified in advance. We will use your personal data for the below purposes if we deem it necessary to do so for our legitimate interests or if we are contracted with you:

  • Storing your details (and updating them when necessary), so that we can contact you in relation to recruitment;
  • Providing you with our recruitment services and to facilitate the recruitment process;
  • Assessing data about you against vacancies which we think may be suitable for you;
  • Sending your information to clients, in order to apply for jobs or to assess your eligibility for jobs;
  • When sending a CV to our client(s), we will undertake this process only after permission has been granted by the candidate (owner of the CV).
  • Carrying out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and MRD Recruitment
  • Carrying out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between MRD Recruitment and third parties in relation to your recruitment;
  • Facilitating our payroll and invoicing processes; and verifying details you have provided, using third party resources (such as psychometric evaluations or skills tests), or to request information (such as references, qualifications and potentially any criminal convictions, to the extent that this is appropriate and in accordance with local laws).
  • Otherwise, we may process your personal data for the purposes of complying with our legal obligations; in connection with the detection of crime or the collection of taxes or duties; and for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. Where you have entered into a contract with us, failure to provide personal data may mean that we are unable to properly implement the contract and that you are unable to exercise certain contractual rights.

For Suppliers

We collect and use (process) the following personal data in relation to our suppliers:

  • Name
  • Occupation
  • Contact Details