New group formed to boost academic engagement with industry

A new group to strengthen the links between academia and the automotive industry has been launched.
The Academic Advisory Group (AAG) was created to address automotive industry challenges and offer insights on future technology affecting the sector.
The Advanced Propulsion Centre UK (APC) marked the beginning of the partnership and its stakeholder engagement director, Philippa Oldham, said: “In order to sustain and develop the academic engagement that we have generated over the years at the APC the AAG has been created. We are in a unique position to deliver an approach that helps to connect academic communities with industry.
“The group acknowledges that the UK research and development landscape is very busy, and any new initiatives must fill the gaps and add value.
“One of the focuses of the group is to identify research needed to address automotive industry challenges and provide foresight on future disruptive innovation.”
Oldham added: “The transition to a net zero automotive supply chain, in the UK, demands collaboration.
“To solve today’s challenges, we need to utilise tomorrow’s innovation and insight. Industry-academia collaboration benefits the sector by providing access to talent, research support, knowledge exchange and innovation.”
Original Article – New group formed to boost academic engagement with industry (