Attracting and retaining employees

LinkedIn’s 2023 Workplace Learning Report has found that 92% of UK organisations are concerned about employee retention, and it concludes that ‘Providing learning opportunities and flexible work arrangements are the top ways UK employers improve retention, followed by opportunities for mentoring or coaching, and wellness programs.’
Employee retention is indeed a top priority for many employers—particularly in the warehousing and logistics sector, where labour and skills shortages have long been a challenge, and are now critical with the lowest youth unemployment rates for decades and tougher immigration regulations post-Brexit.
So how can we compete for and keep the best people? A recent report from Prologis revealed that the things that logistics workers value most about their jobs are the above average earnings and strong opportunities for career progression. This is particularly relevant in an industry where 63% of warehouse managers don’t have a university degree.
Time and again we hear from young people that career development is a key consideration when choosing employment, and for those already working within the sector, the opportunity to widen their skill set and achieve promotion is cited as important too. Last year’s LinkedIn report found that employees who feel their companies aren’t using their skills well are 10 times more likely to be looking for a new job.
There are plenty of opportunities for people to grow and develop in the logistics sector, regardless of background and education. It is a socially mobile working environment where many have started with picking and packing and have risen to more senior roles through experience on the job. While this is good news, many have never received any formal training for their role and therefore may not be performing to the very best of their ability.
This is why UKWA has developed its Warehouse Management Course, to further professionalise those already operating in or aspiring to the role. Feedback from course attendees confirms that in addition to the structured learning sessions, the opportunity to network with others and share best practice had been particularly valued. The course also includes a warehouse site visit, which in the words of one attendee, “was an eye-opener in terms of the size of operation, how they work and the procedures they had in place, but definitely all transferable to a smaller company.”
Investing in your people is simply common sense. Training shouldn’t end after induction, nor should it be limited to current job responsibilities. Offering ongoing training for employees to hone professional skills and advance their careers provides clear benefits for both the individual and the company. If employees are motivated to learn as much as they can, they are more likely to improve their performance, their income and their overall happiness. The better they do, the more satisfied and engaged they are, the better our overall employee retention. It’s a win-win for everyone.
Original Article – Attracting and retaining employees (